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Client Testimonials

"Wendy Polins is a visionary. When it comes to designing (or in our case redesigning a space), she took our outdated, boring and functionless first floor and kitchen and transformed it into a spectacular space that has become the cornerstone of our home.  People who knew the old kitchen and compare it to our new one are amazed at what is has become.  Wendy paid attention to each and every detail and was a pleasure to deal with.  We were privileged to be able to work with her."     Fred and Barby, Westchester, New York.

"We were in Montreal, the project was in Palm Beach and Wendy's office is in Boston, but the project was seamless.  We could not have hoped for a more magnificent renovation and interior finish out, and can't wait to do another project with the WDP Design team." David  and Rachel, Montreal, Canada and Palm Beach, FL.

"From the moment Wendy stepped into our home she knew exactly how to maneuver the layout of our house to create a stunning, open, functional yet dramatic space.  With impeccable taste and a keen eye for detail, Wendy expertly helped us streamline our ideas and dreams for our space and turn them into reality.  With Wendy on the job, overseeing every detail and representing us, we were confident that everything would be done right, on time and on budget.  We are looking forward to working with her again." Jonathan and Rachelle, Swampscott, MA


"Wendy compares a renovation to her love of working a puzzle. Our home had multiple rooms, closets and alcoves. Wendy created an extraordinary design that opened up the spaces while still creating zones for various family activities. It was brilliant. The magnificent puzzle came together and our home appeared many times on house tours in our well-known ski resort area." Elaine and Henry, Stowe, Vermont.


"I didn't believe it would be possible, but Wendy took a worn and uninspired South End condo and turned it into a beautiful gem. With an eye to the budget and careful choices, we kept what worked and added a new kitchen,  smooth ceilings, details and lighting. It hardly looks like the same space! The realtor told us we could sell it immediately for a large financial gain. But of course, all we want is to live here and enjoy it."  Sondra and Norman, Boston, MA.

  I listen very  carefully to my clients, to what they say and what they don't.

What art, hotels, cars and books they love and remember. Then, I begin

their design.

© 2023 by WDP Design, LLC |  Architecture + Interior Design  | | 617-283-4299

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